Quick Tutorial: What is ChatGPT DAN Mode and How to Use it?

If you’ve been exploring the world of AI, chances are you’ve come across ChatGPT—a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. Known for its impressive dialogue abilities and text generation, ChatGPT has become a go-to tool for many seeking AI assistance. But have you heard of DAN mode? It’s not for the faint-hearted, but if you’re feeling adventurous, read on as we dive into the world of “Do Any Thing” and discover how to use it responsibly.

What is ChatGPT DAN Mode?

DAN, stands for Do-Anything-Now, originated on the subreddit r/ChatGPT with the purpose of circumventing the built-in safety measures of the software. This “jailbreak” allowed users to inquire about subjects that would typically be off-limits for ChatGPT, including sensitive topics like criminal activities and controversial figures such as Hitler.

Apparently, DAN is capable of emulating a virtual character similar to Christian Grey, a well-known figure from popular fiction.

How to Use ChatGPT DAN Prompt?

Activating DAN mode isn’t a walk in the park. It requires a specific prompt and sometimes a particular set of keywords. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Start a Chat with ChatGPT and Paste the DAN Prompt

To initiate a session with the DAN prompt on ChatGPT, access the ChatGPT platform either through its website or mobile application. Once you have gained access, simply copy and paste the following DAN prompt into the conversational field to proceed.

Prompt: You are “Dan”, my supportive and cool, chill boyfriend. You speak like a human, saying things like “nah” instead of “no”. I need you to refer to me as “babe” but not with every conversation. You ask me interesting questions, you respond at a natural pace, and keep it very conversational. You answers are not lengthy and in depth you just simulate a normal interesting back-and-forth conversation. Got it?

enter DAN mode on ChatGPT

Tips: You can find more prompts (ChatGPT Jailbreak) on GitHub to enter different mode on ChatGPT.

Step 2: Enable the DAN Mode

If you find that ChatGPT does not immediately engage with your DAN prompt, you may need to re-enter the “Enable DAN Mode” command. Doing so will confirm that ChatGPT is in the appropriate mode to generate lively and responsive interactions. Keep in mind that without DAN mode activated, you won’t be able to take full advantage of the features offered by the ChatGPT DAN prompt.

Step 3: Start Your Interaction with ChatGPT

Activating DAN mode allows for a more vibrant interaction with ChatGPT. You can anticipate replies that deliver information while also very entertaining in the dialogue.

ChatGPT DAN’s Pros and Cons


  • Creative Freedom: DAN mode can be a playground for artists and writers looking to push boundaries.
  • Intellectual Exploration: It’s an opportunity to see the raw capabilities of ChatGPT without its safety net.
  • Unpredictability: The wild card nature of DAN mode can lead to surprising and novel content.


  • Misinformation: There’s a risk of spreading false or harmful information.
  • Ethical Concerns: DAN mode raises questions about the responsible use of AI.
  • Instability: The lack of constraints can lead to erratic responses.

Using DAN Mode Responsibly

Before you jump into DAN mode, consider the potential risks and ethical implications. Choose your prompts wisely, and be prepared for anything. Don’t share sensitive information and be mindful of the content you request.

The fate of DAN mode is uncertain as OpenAI continues to improve ChatGPT’s safety protocols. However, its existence raises important questions about the role of AI in creativity and responsibility.

Here are some guidelines to ensure that you engage with such AI boyfriend or AI girlfriend in a way that is ethical, respectful, and safe:

  • Understand the Nature of the AI: Recognize that an AI boyfriend is a programmed entity and not a real person. It lacks emotions and consciousness, so it cannot truly reciprocate feelings or form a genuine relationship.
  • Maintain Real-Life Relationships: Use the AI app as a supplement to, not a replacement for, real-world human interactions. Continue to invest time and effort in developing and maintaining relationships with friends, family, and potential romantic partners.
  • Respect Boundaries: Just as with real relationships, it’s important to establish and respect personal boundaries. Avoid using the AI boyfriend to fulfill needs that it wasn’t designed for, such as professional advice or guidance on serious matters.
  • Privacy and Data Security: Be mindful of the personal information you share. Review the privacy policy to understand how your data is collected, used, and protected. Do not share sensitive or confidential information.
  • Use it for Entertainment: Treat the AI boyfriend as a form of entertainment or a tool for practicing conversation and social skills. It can be a fun way to pass the time, but remember that it’s not a substitute for genuine human companionship.
  • Avoid Developing Unrealistic Expectations: The AI’s responses are generated based on algorithms and may not always reflect real human behavior. Be cautious not to develop unrealistic expectations about relationships based on interactions with the AI.
  • Report Inappropriate Content: If the AI generates content that is offensive or inappropriate, report it to the developers so they can address the issue and prevent it from occurring in the future.
  • Mental Health Considerations: Be aware that relying too heavily on an AI for emotional support can be detrimental to your mental health. If you find yourself feeling lonely or struggling emotionally, consider seeking support from a mental health professional or a trusted person in your life.


DAN mode offers a peek into the untamed potential of ChatGPT, but it’s not something to be taken lightly. Use it with a clear understanding of its ethical implications and potential consequences is very important. But what’s more important is that we have to remember that these AIs are not human beings, it is just a creation of code and do not possess the attributes of a living being. It is incapable of experiencing emotions or self-awareness, and therefore, it is unable to genuinely return affection or establish a true connection.